Useful Information
Most information about living at one the charity’s Almshouses can be found in the Residents' Handbook. It sets out useful information about the Charity and its general administration and management. It also explains the responsibilities of a resident.
It is useful to know when applying for a place as resident that the conditions stated in this handbook form part of a Residents Occupancy Agreement with the Charity and are a supplement to the regulations given in a Letter of Appointment which every new resident signs to accept an almshouse. It may be necessary to amend these rules and regulations from time to time.
Other information that may be useful not contained in the handbook:
All the cottages come unfurnished.
All residents make their own arrangements for laundry.
There are local buses that run to Chesham, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Watford and many other towns and villages.
Residents are responsible for choosing a supplier for broadband, and for setting up their own broadband and wireless connections and for paying for the line rental and usage.
Due to the historic nature and construction of these properties, none is suitable for wheelchair users. Residents at Miss Day's can apply to keep a mobility scooter or, if the need arises after occupation, for mobility assistance equipment at the discretion of the Trustees.